Hybrid threats require rapid responses
Hybrid threats require rapid responses

The Military Coordination Committee (MCC), in collaboration with the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, has conducted a Maritime Hybrid Warfare Webinar, bringing awareness to the risks and dangers which this type of warfare represents.

The Centre first presented a global approach on current maritime hybrid threats and then displayed some hybrid scenarios potentially relevant to the NORDEFCO States. It became apparent that a resolute response to hybrid threats requires preparedness in various fields such as legal, technical, tactical, political as well as interagency and international cooperation. Conducting the webinar was one of the military-level goals of the Danish NORDEFCO Chairmanship in 2020 and is part of the political target to improve the ability of NORDEFCO nations to act together in peace, crisis and conflict.

The webinar was originally planned as a physical table top exercise but then changed into a webinar due to travel restrictions and in order to ensure broad participation from both the military and the political level.